Sunday, January 31, 2010

Zap Girl WIP

Well I FINALLY got this picture from Nathan. And I've finally gotten a chance to start colouring it! It's been a long time since I've coloured or drawn anything, so this is gonna be rough...

**Added more Flat colours, really roughly put in. Had to do it with the track pad on the laptop lol too lazy to plug in the Tablet haha**

**Cousin did a BG for me but I think the image as a whole has far to much red in it, so I'm probably going to fiddle with it and change some stuff. And eventually I'll get to shading ZG**


Andrew Doll said...

Great start Lisa.

Andrew Doll said...

Keep going!

Li said...

I am I actually have my cousin doing a space BG for it, kinda need that for lighting purposes...

Pencil of Doom said...

It's looking pretty sweet. I have started colouring her gloves and boots a darker red FYI, that and give the poor girl a helmet! Look at some of Jack Kirby's Silver surfer work if you want to see who influenced they way I draw and colour "Space".
